A strong proposition for better results - 8 questions for accountants, consultants and lawyers

De propositie

A proposition summarizes what you can do for a customer and why he or she should choose your office for that. So not exactly a detail! The clearer the proposition, the more likely you are to reach the right customers. And the stronger the proposition, the more customers you attract and retain. To determine a strong, clear proposition, you only need to answer 8 questions. This lays the foundation for commercial activities that lead to more results.

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Relationships and networking: 5 tips for leadership and marketing

Relaties en netwerken

It is primarily up to individual accountants, lawyers, advisors or consultants to build and maintain relationships. That does not alter the fact that the organization, or the office, has a lot of influence. In this blog I discuss 5 tips for administrators and marketers: how can they support individual professionals in the field of relationship management and networking.

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Inbound marketing experiences in accountancy and consultancy firms

Inbound marketing ervaringen in de accountancy en consultancy

Because the buying process is increasingly taking place online, many organizations are focusing on Inbound Marketing. This is still in its infancy at accountancy, consultancy and law firms. Does Inbound Marketing also work in these sectors that traditionally float on people and personal relationships? Rob Meijers interviewed Patricia de Broekert and Jeroen Rietvelt about their experiences with Inbound Marketing at Twynstra Gudde and Visser & Visser accountants and advisors.

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